Types of Assembly Line Conveyor Systems

March 14, 2019 Leave your thoughts
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If Henry Ford is credited with inventing the assembly line, he couldn’t have done it without assembly line conveyors. And all you have to do to get the idea that an assembly line is really a system of different types of conveyors is look at pictures of those early Ford lines.

You’ll see parts or whole car bodies being carried by overhead conveyors, and frames rolling along heavy-duty roller or chain-driven assembly conveyors.

3 Types of Conveyors to Help with Assembly Lines

So when you hear the term “conveyor system” it could mean any one or more of a number of different systems, either working alone or in sequence with other types of systems. Some conveyor manufacturers specialize in just one type of system, while others make two or more different systems.

  1. Belt Conveyors – One of the more versatile types of assembly conveyor systems, belt systems can be constructed to different lengths. For extended or custom production line setups, they can be made to feed to and from each other, elevate or lower products, and travel around varying degrees of corners. The flat and unobstructed surface of a belt conveyor makes them ideal for systems that must carry different sizes and shapes of loads.
  2. Roller Conveyors – Available in gravity-fed or powered configurations, roller conveyors are ideal for moving heavier items. The larger size of heavier items means they won’t get caught in the rollers and, with a gravity-fed system, no power may be required to convey very heavy objects over an extended distance.
  3. Overhead Conveyor Systems – If there is one type of conveyor system that can be configured to carry objects of a wider range of configurations, sizes, and weights, it is an overhead conveyor. One of the more effective advantages of overhead systems is the ability to free-up floor space by using the empty space overhead to convey things.

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